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Indicators of Sustainable Development in Reunion  (French)


Conducted jointly by INSEE and the DEAL Réunion, this publication establishes a picture of thirty indicators of sustainable development across the island.

These indicators are a tool for monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this area over the period 2010-2013.


Environmental profile of Reunion Island (French)


This document produced in 2012 by The DEAL Reunion is to update the previous version of the environmental profile of Reunion 2006.

It aims to help public and private stakeholders in the environmental assessment of development projects.

National Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change (French)


This national adaptation strategy was developed through extensive consultation conducted by the National Observatory on the Effects of Global Warming, the responsibility of the Interministerial Delegate for Sustainable Development.


It has been validated by the Interministerial Committee for Sustainable Development met on 13 November 2006 by the Prime Minister in order to face the changes due to climate change.

The specificities of overseas are treated.


Résumé du document

Energy, Air andClimate Regional Scheme - SRCAE Réunion 


Made in 2013, The Regional Climate Air Energy Scheme was carried out under the joint authority of the regional prefect and the president of the Conseil Général.


The objective of this scheme is to define the guidelines and objectives, across the region, in 2020 and 2050 in the fight against air pollution, control of energy demand, the development of renewable energy, reducing emissions of greenhouse gas emissions and adaptation to climate change.

Résumé du document

Climate Change Plan (French)


The France climate plan aims to meet the objectives of the Kyoto Protocol to reduce greenhouse gas emissions introducing prevention actions on climate change for the period 2004 – 2012.

The Specificity of overseas are processed.

Résumé du document

National Climate Change Adaptation Plan (French) 


The National Climate Change Adaptation Plan, to make concrete, operational to cope with climate change objective.


It is operational deployment for the period 2011-2015 of the National Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change 2006 The specifics of the Reunion are treated in their own right.

Résumé du document

The Overseas from Climate Change (French)


This report produced in 2012 by ONERC provides an overview of the challenges of adapting to climate change in the overseas territories.

It is an update of the issues and guidelines of the National Strategy on Climate Change of 2006 Reunion specificities are treated in their own right. 

Résumé du document

The Second Regional Environmental Health Plan (French)


The 2nd Regional Environmental Health Plan 2011-2015 (PRSE2) of Region Reunion was approved by the prefecture April 12, 2012 and co-signed by the prefect, the president of Conseil Général and CEO of the Agence Régionale de Santé Océan Indien to fight against diseases caused by environmental conditions.

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